4th Grade



Slide show of expectations

Seating directions

Signing in

Daily Apps

       The In is Typing.com

       Classcraft.com introduction

        Signing on to your Google account

   Your out is your Leadership Website


Join Google Classroom

All Things Google

​Intro to Classcraft.com

​Leadership Website                  Example Website

Create your profile avatar.  Save your avatar to your computer as a download.  Open your Google settings and upload your new profile picture.​

Your goal is to learn tools in Powtoon.com

Week 3

What is a PSA/ Public Service Announcement?

Introdcution to Powtoon.com   Learn the basics and how to use the tools with video editing.

Discover what a Public Service Announcement is and us Powtoon to show that PSA\

Fill out the PSA questionnaire in Google Classroom.

Week 4

In: www.typing.com 4 minutes

In Powtoon.com, students will research and add two supporting facts for their slideshow. 

Out: Leadership Website updates

Week 5

In: www.typing.com 4 minutes

In Powtoon.com, students will research and one more supporting fact and a conclusion on how people can help with their public service announcement.

Out: Leadership Website updates

Week 6

In: www.typing.com 4 minutes

In Powtoon.com, students will complete their PSA and include an introduction page, three slides that include supporting facts with statistics/ numbers, to help with their explanations, and a conclusion slide that lets the public know how or what they can do about the topic.   Add your slide to your Leadership Website.

Out: Leadership Website updates

Week 7

In: www.typing.com 4 minutes

In Powtoon.com, students will complete their PSA and include an introduction page, three slides that include supporting facts with statistics/ numbers, to help with their explanations, and a conclusion slide that lets the public know how or what they can do about the topic. 

Code.org Lesson 2: Introduction to Sprite Lab.   Objectives

Students will be able to:

Create new sprites and assign them costumes and behaviors.

Define “sprite” as a character or object on the screen that can be moved and changed.


Out: Leadership Website updates

Week 8 Lesson 5: Mini-Project: About Me

In: www.typing.com 4 minutes


Students will apply their understanding of sharing personal and private information on the web by creating an interactive poster in this mini-project.


This lesson is meant to make the previous lesson on personal and private information personally relevant for students. With SAFE (personal) and UNSAFE (private) examples in mind, students practice safe self-expression on the web, using SpriteLab to fashion their own sprite costumes and generate text.

Out: Leadership Website updates

Week 9 Lesson 6: Drawing with Loops

In: www.typing.com 4 minutes

Lesson 6: Drawing with Loops

Overview This context-setting lesson shifts the focus from Sprite Lab to the Artist, a new tool that students will explore throughout the remainder of the course.

Purpose Students will practice using loops, a concept that will be revisited throughout upcoming lessons.

Out: Leadership Website updates

Week 10 Lesson 7: Fancy Shapes using Nested Loops

In: www.typing.com 4 minutes

ObjectivesStudents will be able to:

Out: Leadership Website updates

Week 11 Lesson 10: Functions in Minecraft

In: www.typing.com 4 minutes


Students will be able to:

Use functions to simplify complex programs.

Use pre-determined functions to complete commonly repeated tasks.

Out: Leadership Website updates

Week 12 Lesson 11: Functions with Artist

In: www.typing.com 4 minutes


Students will be able to:

Categorize and generalize code into useful functions.

Recognize when a function could help to simplify a program.

Out: Leadership Website updates

​Week 13 Lesson 12: Conditionals in Minecraft: Voyage Aquatics

In: www.typing.com 4 minutes


Students will be able to:

Define circumstances when certain parts of a program should run and when they shouldn't.

Determine whether a conditional is met based on criteria.


Out: Leadership Website updates

Week 14 Lesson 13: Conditionals with the Farmer

In = Typing.com


Students will be able to:

Out = Update your Leadership Website

Week 15 Lesson 13: Conditionals with the Farmer

In = Typing.com

ObjectivesStudents will be able to:

Out = Update your Leadership Website

Week 16 Lesson 14: Functions with Harvester

5 uninterrupted minutes of Typing.com


Lesson 14: Functions with Harvester

ObjectivesStudents will be able to:


OUT: update your leadership website with something you have accomplished.

Functions with Harvester #1 | Course E (2022) - Code.org


Typing Lessons - Learn To Type And Improve Typing Speed Free - Typing.com


Google Sites: Sign-in


Week 17 Introduction to Scratch: Take a Walk project

In: Typing.com  for 5 minutes

Welcome to CS First! Today, you're going to use a tool called Scratch to code a character to go for a walk.

Your goal is to explore and learn the basics of Blockly programming.  

Out:  Update your Leadership Website.

Week 18 Scratch Lesson: Code your Hero

In: 5 minutes of typing.com

Scratch Project

Your goal is to choose an everyday hero from their own life and build a story or game using code that gives their hero superpowers by using block code in CSFirst.

Starter Project

Out: Update your leadership website.

Week 19 Scratch Lesson: Code Your Hero Hero

n: 5 minutes of typing.com

Scratch Project

Your goal is to choose an everyday hero from their own life and build a story or game using code that gives their hero superpowers by using block code in CSFirst.

 This week,  you will continue with your Code A Hero project by using an add on for:

Moving your hero

Fly over buildings

Add Background music

Show off with a super spin

Keep Score

Support your Hero.

Out: Update your leadership website.

Week 20:  Scratch Project:  Pitch Your Passion​

In:  5 minutes of uninterrupted typing.com practice.

Your goal is to build a project about an idea, activity, item, or cause they feel strongly about by using block code in Scratch.

Your out is to update your leadership website with a screen shot of your project. 

Week 21:  Scratch Project:  Pitch Your Passion

In:  5 minutes of uninterrupted typing.com practice.

Your goal is to build a project about an idea, activity, item, or cause they feel strongly about by using block code in Scratch.

This week:

Change a Scene

Add Sound Effects

Create a Question & Answer for your user by using the links below.

Your out is to update your leadership website with a screen shot of your project.

In: 5 minutes of typing.com

Students, your goal is to animate an ocean wave, then tell a story that takes place on the high seas by using block code in Scratch.

Out:  Update your leadership website. 

In:  Typing.com 5 minutes

Students, your goal is to use code to tell a fun and interactive story about a character searching for gold during a rain storm by using Scratch Code. 

Topics include:   Randomness and loops 

Out:  Update your leadership website. 

Week 24:  Sphero Blocks 1 

IN: Typing Practice for 5 minutes.

Your goal is to create a program for Sphero Spark+ to make a square by using the Sphero app and block code. 

 Out:  Update your leadership Website. 

Week 25:  Sphero Story Telling with a Sphero Robot

In:  Typing.com

Your goal is to create a program that tells a story for your robot to react to by using blocks 2 Blocky Code at www.edu.sphero.com.

If you are feeling confident, use a function in your program.  

Out.  Take a screenshot of your program and add it to your leadership website. 

Week 26:  Sphero Story Telling with a Sphero Robot Partner Project

In:  Typing.com

Your goal is to create a program that tells a story for your robot to react to by using blocks 2 Blocky Code at www.edu.sphero.com.

If you are feeling confident, use a function in your program.  

Out.  Take a screenshot of your program and add it to your leadership website. 

Week 27:  Sphero Programming Blocks 5: If Then Animal Toss

In: Typnig.com for 5 minutes

In this activity, you will build a Sphero animal toss game to play with your friends. In the process, you’ll learn about controlling Sphero ’s actions with control blocks, comparators, and onboard sensors.

 Learning Objectives: 

I can define and use controls, including if/then/else statements by using Block coding in edu.sphero.com.

Out;  Screen shot for your leadership website.

Week 28:  Sphero and a Maze

In:  Typing.com 5 minutes

Your goal is to create a program at edu.sphero.com using a range of 360 degrees for direction and the use of speed variables to make it through the maze.  

Out: Update your Leadership Website

Week 29: Design an Inclusive Play Space With a Partner that is to scale. 

In: Typing.com 5 minutes

Your goal is to design a elementary playground by using CAD tools in Tinkercad.com.

Out:  Take a screen shot buy clicking; windows, shift, and S.  Drag across the selected area.

Open your Leadership Website

Use, "ctrl V"  to paste in your screenshot.Update anything else that you can in your website such as writings, slide shows, sheets, and anything else related to school.

Week 30: 3D CAD With Physics Marble Run

In: Typing.com 4 minutes.

Quiz on Google Tools.

Objective: Your goal is to design a Marble run in Tinkercad by using slides, supports and enabling physics to test your engineering model. 

Out: Screenshot your project for your Leadership Website.

Week 31:  CAD and Programming Shapes

In: Typing.com or Nitrotype.com

Your goal is to create shapes and placing them in locations by using code blocks in Tinkercad.com.

You will practice intro to shapes, moving shapes, and rotating shapes.  

OUT:  Take a screen shot ( ctrl + shift + windows key) and paste it in your leadership website.